Episode 062 - Psycho


IT'S HALLOWEEN! What better way to celebrate the greatest holiday then by watching (arguably) the greatest horror film? After a month of slashing up the sequels to the famed original, we finally arrive back at where it all started with Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece, "Psycho."

IT’S HALLOWEEN! What better way to celebrate the greatest holiday then by watching (arguably) the greatest horror film? After a month of slashing up the sequels to the famed original, we finally arrive back at where it all started with Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece, “Psycho.” Among all the explorations and analyses of “Psycho,” Tim and Ryan attempt to pull something new from it by (inherently) viewing it in the world of 2019. And of course, they give it a double “buy” rating.

Where we watched: Blu-Ray

RecommenDEADtions: 78/52 / The Last House on the Left (1972)

Psycho (1960)
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Written by Joseph Stefano

Tim Aslin